Saturday, 15 March 2014

Why you should build strong relationships with your clients

                           From the early days of starting my business, I had been  building strong  relationships with my clients. Though I was still new to business then, I still saw the need to build strong lasting relationships with my client. I eventually got to a point where I had close contact with most of my clients and this started translating into more sales for me. I usually get inquiries from many of my business partners and colleagues, asking me to help them strengthen their business relationship with their clients. For this purpose, I have  decided to share some tips I have gathered over the years to help  struggling businesses.
                                  It is a known fact that all customers will only exchange their hard earned money for a service just because of two reasons and these are: solutions to problems and good feelings. This is the basis of every sale. Just think of any transaction you ever had with your clients and you will discover that those two reasons where the basis of the transaction. It is therefore very important to make sure you satisfy your clients to a point where these two things will be achieved. This is why the first interaction with your client is very important and might be a deciding factor if he or she will ever come back to patronize you again. Why then do need to build a relationship with a client? It’s because you need to give them the reasons why your business should be patronized  and not  your competitors. One of the ways a company or business can do this is by tailoring their  services to meet the needs of the clients. When this is done, most customers will naturally have a feeling of satisfaction and good feeling and then their trust will begin to build up. Once the trust of the customer is procured, it signifies the start of a relationship with that client.
                           Another way a business can achieve this is by having a detailed profile of their clients. This profile should include personal information like date of birth, telephone number or email and important dates in their life (e.g. wedding anniversary).  Send them a message or mail on those important days. make them feel good and appreciated. The purpose this serves is that it gets them thinking about the fact that your company or business cares about them. This certainly increases their trust in you and by so doing, building a stronger relationship with them. I have been doing this over the years and it has been of tremendous benefit.
                                Most of the times, a business or company might satisfy the client’s needs to a reasonably satisfactory point and yet, the client feels dissatisfaction. Bill Gates once said; “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”. I have found this to be true and I have discovered that only customers that you have built relationships with over a period of time will be willing to express their dissatisfaction. Others will just take their business elsewhere. Therefore, in order not to lose clients,  companies and businesses  needs to build relationships with their clients.
                          What customers buy 100% of the time is good feelings and solution to problems like I said earlier. Consequently, a business will increase in sales if they can always put this interest of their customers as priority. No business can survive long if they don’t establish a good name and impression in the heart of their customers. Therefore, strive to be the best companion to your clients and they will always come running to you whenever they need your service.

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