Friday, 7 March 2014

How to prevent Price arguments with your clients

                         According to traditional business opinions, it is a registered saying that customers are always right. But could it be true at all times? I recently had an encounter with a new client of mine. Though we had finalized about the issue of price, the agreement began to change from her end. She had gotten a friend of hers who recently did a similar job pay quite lower than I had charged.  Though it is wrong for clients to compare the the services rendered by two persons or companies based on price alone unfortunately, it happens to be the order of the day in this part of the world.How do you prevent yourself from falling into this trap and how do you totally avoid price arguments with your clients?
                One way to do this is by discussing deeply with your clients before you embark on the job. Yes, I said before you embark on their job not during or after the job. A good discussion is not determined by how long it lasts but by the quality of the discussion. Am saying this from the position of being a wedding photographer in Nigeria. Imagine discussing 2 hours per day with a prospective client and you talk with 2-5 prospective clients per week then a huge amount of your time will be successfully wasted. As bad as that sounds, most people don’t mind. That is why I make my prospective client know more about me either from the person referring them to me, my blog or from social media. What this does is that it saves me the time when negotiating.
           Before charging your prospective clients, make sure you differentiate yourself from the crowd and please, build value. You differentiate yourself by explaining what you do and how you do it. Let your clients know what you have to offer them and what makes your product or service different from your competitor. By so doing, you would be preventing unnecessary arguments. The other important part like I said earlier involves building value. Don’t only make the clients realize that they are getting more than they are paying for but actually deliver more than they are paying for.
                As unfair as it might be, you will never win an argument with your client. Arguments only makes your clients more mad at you. So by whatever means possible, always prevent arguments with your clients especially when it comes to the issue of price.

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