While I was growing up, I loved watching foreign TV channels especially Oprah show. On one of her shows, she did a documentary about her dogs. I was amazed at the level of interaction she displayed with those dogs.They were literarily jumping up and down and taking commands from her.Like the sound of air, forced down a big rigid pipe, something said within me,"You need to get a dog". That was it. I collected money from my mom and buzz, I was at a vendor's shop. Though Oprah's two dogs belonged to the breed called cocker Spaniels, my plan was to go for a German Shepherd or a Dalmatian.But wait a minute, where in the world was I going to get those breed from. I hesitantly settled for a local dog believing that my moments of happiness had just begun.Unknowingly, it was the beginning of my frustration.
I got the dog home and immediately named him Pascal at the suggestion of my dad's friend. I thought the name would make the difference. Maybe I was wrong.On the night of the purchase, my mom was very mad at me because Pascal had done something extremely terrible. He had poo-pooed(defecate) all over the house.Even in tiny corners I never never thought he would reach.He spent most of that day hiding under the chair. My frustration was escalated after trying to teach him simple commands like "sit down", "stand up", "go", "come". Despite being persistent with the training for two weeks, Pascal wasn't even close to being the shadow of Oprah's dogs.
According to biologists, dogs are classified as carnivores. This implies that their main diet is flesh. As a matter of variation, Pascal preferred eating the leftovers of my food or should I say I fed him on those leftovers. He mainly ate rice, beans, "eko", and other staple foods which I believe affected his ability to learn and obey simple commands. Pascal rated poorly on almost everything except barking. At night, most neighbors always felt as if they were in heaven-safe and secure. At least, my dog was still good at something. Imagine Pascal walking along the road with me on my way to school trying to bring his embarrassment to the outside world. Most times, he would just turn back after i threw a stone at him. I had frustrating moments with my dog before he eventually ran away some years back. As funny as my story sounds, its not a fiction
The lesson I have learnt from all this experience of mine is tremendous. First, dogs are like humans. If you want your dog to be intelligent like Oprah's dog, try to feed him on his natural diet. A Popular saying in my culture says that, "He who compares two children will beat one to death over the other". But unless you are willing to live by frustration, never compare your local dog to Oprah's dog
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